New York early onion (allium cepa), open pollination, annual. 98 days. Classic yellow open pollination strain. One of the more dependable and productive early onions. Medium-large, blocky, firm, yellow onions are early and suited to medium-term storage. Its flesh is more tender than the extra-hard, long storage varieties. Appropriate for Zone 5 and 6.
150 seeds/packed.
Planting Instruction
DIRECT SEEDING: In April or early May, or as soon as the soil can be prepared in early spring, sow in a 2" wide band, about 2 seeds/in., 1/4– 1/2" deep, rows 12–18" apart. Thin to 1 1/2–2" apart for highest yields in fertile soil. Thin to 3-4" apart for larger onions. TRANSPLANTING: In short-season areas, sow seeds indoors in flats in late February to mid-March. Broadcast 1/2" apart and cover 1/4". Tops may be clipped to 5" tall. Transplant to the garden 4" apart, or sow 5 seeds in each cell of 1–1 1/2" diameter plug trays, thinning to 3 per cell. Transplant each cell 6" apart.